Saturday, November 17, 2012

Crazy Quilt Journal Project 2013

One of the many crafts I daydream of wasting spending all my time on is quilting. I have never actually pieced a traditional quilt block, although I have hundreds of patterns and numerous books for when I am finally ready to tackle one (finally ready=purchase a new sewing machine). I have, however, made several crazy quilt blocks and have even crazy quilted a small purse. And I have mass amounts of fabric so that I can continue to crazy quilt whenever I get the chance.

And that's the problem. "Whenever I get the chance". Since I hand-piece & embellish the CQ seams, I don't have the no-sewing-machine excuse. Instead I use the "I'm too busy" excuse, even though the majority of my free time is spent reading blogs and cyber-stalkinglooking up old friends on Facebook. Which is bogus. So I am going to participate in a challenge that will force me to be creative!

The Crazy Quilt Journal Project-2013 challenges participants to complete one 6x6 block per month. The end goal of the CQJP is to bring more awareness to Crazy Quilting-which is great. The side effect, me not being able to always be lazy, is also great!

If you happen to be interested in joining me in this challenge, the details and registration page, which closes December 12th, can be found here:


  1. Yay for taking on the challenge! I'm not so much into sewing--tried a few projects--but couldn't get into it. I was an obsessive knitter, though. Gave all that crafting up for writing. Go figure. Taking on these challenges, as you know, forces results, in a great way. I hope you get to do what you set out to accomplish! And please, share pictures!

  2. I love quilts, and needle work, but can't even sew a button. I am in awe of those of you who can do this. Rachael: You might like the series of historical fiction books I have read them all and they are great. Learn about the history of various quilts and quilt blocks and enjoy the fun stories too. I look forward to seeing what you do on this challenge!

    I had to smile when I read about your second turkey. Told my hubby and he was saying you guys are just like him. Enjoy round two!!
